Detailed, meticulously woven solo performance scores for studio, stage and camera. Solos are created in close collaboration with the performing artist. Voice, action, and scriptwork can be made available.


In collaboration with performing artists, I design and direct radical theatrical scores for experimental performance for studio, stage, and camera. Together we will create a truly memorable experience.


As a witness and sounding board, I offer keen listening, studied observation and generous feedback during private coaching sessions. I work from a place of love, deep curiosity, rigor, and joy. We will work together, gather courage to approach material, and ground presence to perform as necessary and desired.


Devising a LABYRINTH (LAB) is a creative workshop period to sense intricacies of body. (LAB) is a philosophy and that honors intuition and erotic agency. (LAB) is a lingering moment for curious minds to imagine, play, pattern, and repattern. (LAB) makes space for doubt and compassion, for festering shedding, for stillness, silliness, rebirth. LABYRINTH (LAB) lives and cares for wild new madness.

During (LAB) time I offer verbal and visual prompts designed to support mindfulness, body awareness, and spirited presence. Participants can expect that a generous space will be cultivated to dream, to dance, to sing, to analyze, to journal, to choose to do some or any of these things; to choose to do nothing, or something else, maybe with more time.

Images from ‘nownownownownow’ Directed by Fana Fraser
Created in collaboration with Ada Fujita, Versaille Jones, Raquel Rodrigues, Rece Komorn, Meg Hasou, Dae Shivers
University of the Arts, December 2022
Photo by Kait Privera